Get the most out of your old catalysts
At Krommenhoek Metals we know everything there is to know about catalysts. It doesn’t matter what kind of catalyst it is: whether it was part of a car, truck or an industrial catalyst, our recycling specialists know exactly how we can get the most out of your catalyst. As a customer you can profit from our knowhow and expertise on recycling these kinds of parts.
All our representatives can easily determine the value of your old catalyst using a mobile app.
The value depends on various factors, including the type and amount of precious metals that are incorporated in the catalyst. At Krommenhoek you can always expect the most current and fair price for your catalysts. Another advantage of our service is that we pay immediately for the parts that we collect. As a customer you can choose whether you want your payment in cash or by direct bank transfer.
Thanks to our working method, you can always rely on us for the most current and fair price for your old catalyst(s). Moreover, we immediately pay for the parts with you; cash or by direct transfer.