Memory cards gold
Many devices have a certain memory function. This means that photos and data can be stored for a longer period of time. Devices such as computers all contain memory cards or RAM chips. Thanks to its ingenious design containing ICs and gold, this small printed circuit board has the ability to encrypt and store files.
The memory card gold can be worth money. In combination with our smelter we can separate the gold and palladium from the printed circuit board. The gold percentage on the gold memory cards is so high that the price per kilo is also considerably higher compared to low-value boards and other printed circuit boards. Let us know how much gold memory card you own and we will ensure you the highest scrap price.
The gold memory cards can be turned in at Krommenhoek Metals, but we are naturally also happy to assist you with our old metal box service. If you have larger volumes we can assist you with our scrap containers. Upload your photo here or click here to contact us directly.