Copper price
Current copper price
Are you looking for the most up-to-date copper price in the Netherlands? Krommenhoek Metals is happy to help you further. The most recent copper price is determined by Krommenhoek Metals on the basis of the current supply and the demand from factories for this rare raw material. Due to our prominent position in the current market, we publish the current copper price on a daily basis. You can find this online at the scrap prices page. A historical overview of copper prices and other metal prices is also published here. In this way you are always informed.
The value of copper
Copper is seen as a non-ferrous metal. This means that it belongs to the non-magnetic metals. Copper is very valuable for many companies, because it is a relatively soft material. It is easy to bend and edit. This is one of the reasons why factories often use this for their products. Copper is also a perfect conductor for electricity and heat. This type of metal is used on a very large scale in industry. In the world of recycling, mostly old copper is recycled a lot. Old copper is often used to describe old metals that consist of a copper alloy. Old copper often consists of: copper wire, old copper and pipe residues, electrolytic copper, old coins, old copper pots and pans, old copper façade parts, aluminum / copper coolers. Old copper is easy to recycle due to the low melting point of 1,083 degrees Celsius and a boiling point of 2,570 degrees Celsius.
Why would you hand in copper?
There is one simple answer: copper is worth a lot of money! Copper recycling is also good for the environment, since no new sources need to be tapped. At Krommenhoek Metals you can sell your copper for a lot of money. Because of our prominent position in the market, you will always get the right price for your copper with us. Is it a large amount of copper? We are happy to pick it up!
The benefits of the Krommenhoek Metal copper price.
Our copper price offers you various benefits. If you return your copper to us, you are assured of the most current copper price. In addition, we are always willing to collect your old copper from you. So you only have the benefits and not the burdens. In practice, we see that old copper is often supplied by companies themselves to the Krommenhoek Metals yard. However, our old metal box is also a very simple and efficient solution. Does it concern larger batches of old copper? Then our old iron and old metal container service is probably a good solution for you. Before you hand in the copper, it is best to first check our scrap prices page. Here you will find the best copper price. This is of course just part of the service of Krommenhoek Metals!

Price applies to customers with a staalpas. For standard prices, see our scrap prices page.